Start early today

Good Morning; How to Wake Up Ready For A Successful Day

The early morning has gold in its mouth.

Benjamin Franklin

Each day we are given an opportunity to start a new day. A new day means a new space where we can create something new. Lead us closer to who we aspire to become and achieve worthwhile goals.

A new day is a chance to renew, revitalize and act on our highest purpose. To make the most out of the gift of life. To harness the capabilities of your mind. The only freedom we have is the way we think which leads to how we feel and act moment to moment. Let’s take a look at some insights that will make each day optimized to its full.

1. Prepare the night before

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your morning routine starts the night before. Decide what time you shall rise. Keep your phone away from your bed so when the alarm goes off you will be obliged to stand turn the alarm off. If heading out on a walk prepare the shoes right by the door. It is called lessening the friction of the habits you want to form.

2. Eliminate Decision Fatigue

Each evening before going to bed do a quick assessment of where you are in your life. Identify your long term goals and short term goals. Decide on how you are going to spend the precious moments of your morning. Be specific on what actions you are going to take say between 5:00am – 7:00am. These 2 hours utilized with accuracy and consistency will bring you exponential growth. Much time and energy is wasted on decision making with questions like how I’m I going to achieve my goal? Rather, decide the night before and all you need to think about is execution in the morning. Deep intense focused work with your mind uncluttered is a sure fire way to go about what ever you are planning to achieve.

3. Quality Sleep

Quality of sleep doesn’t necessarily mean many hours of sleep. It means you sleep in peace knowing exactly what you are going to do as soon as you wake up. Avoid watching the news, other media and thinking of your problems. Clear the mind before going to bed by asking your subconscious mind to answer all of your questions as you sleep. The thoughts you think right before going to bed is what your subconscious will accept as truth.

one should never go to sleep without requesting something to the subconscious mind.

– Thomas Edison

4. 2 Minute Breathing

This can be planned the night before. Upon waking up, sit with your spine erect and just breathe for two minutes. This establishes a good relationship between your awareness and your mind. You will notice the minds non stop chattering and in this two minutes, establish your distance from the mind and carry that space all throughout the day.

When life is foggy, path is unclear and mind is dull, remember your breath. It has the power to give you the peace. It has the power to resolve the unsolved equations of life.

– Amit Ray

5. Hydrate & Change Environment

“If there is Magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”

– Lorn Eiseley

Your body uses up a lot of water while you sleep so hydrate immediately or after your moment of silence. Changing your environment like walking outside immediately gets you out of your head and into the body. Tuning yourself to the earth and provides clarity on your next moves.

The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”

Mark Caine

Remember the last time you went to somewhere new? Your brain was induced with dopamine and you were excited like a child. Changing environment will give you freshness when you get back to deep focused work. So including a little walk to your morning routine will be beneficial.

6. Start with a Smile

The first couple of moments after you wake will set the tone of your whole day. Be intentional in smiling. Smiling provides relaxation and relieves tension. Don’t wait for something extraordinary to happen before you smile. Just start your day with positive expectancy, hope for the best, gently navigating your way as best as you can. Smile first, then the universe will provide more of what to smile about.

“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” 

7. Cultivate Gratitude

This can be done anytime of day. Close your eyes and think of three things you are grateful for. Gratitude celebrates what we already have and sets our minds to receive more. If we are thankful and tuned in to humility we tap into a power greater than us. So if you got your needs met, get happy now and don’t worry about the things you don’t have.

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.

– Oprah

Try having a little notebook and make it your gratitude journal. Write on it whenever you feel grateful. It’s nice to look at it from time to time to remind us of the fullness of life.

“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.”

8. Tidy up

“Only by taking care of your immediate environment can you then move onto bigger challenges.”

– Jordan Peterson

Tidy up as you go. Cleaning and organizing your surroundings will get you more inspired and clear on what you set out to do. Clearing a small part of your room let’s say your desk has a tremendous impact on your overall mood and happiness. So as you go about your day, make it a habit of leaving things better than you find them.

9. Play Relaxing Music

You know that feeling when you enter a nice spa? There are certain tones and vibrations that shifts your mood instantaneously. Look into Solfeggio tones.

“Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering.”

Haruki Murakami

10. Minimize your to do

Narrow down your activities to the bare essentials. Pick 3 things that must be done within the day. Narrowing it down to three increases the likelihood of it getting finished. The trick here is choosing what 3 key actions to dedicate your time on that helps your higher purpose. Maybe writing an article? Practicing an instrument? A exercise regimen? Set some bright lines and make it non negotiable. Put Important tasks first before the urgent.

  • Important activities have an outcome that leads to us achieving our goals, whether these are professional or personal.
  • Urgent activities demand immediate attention, and are usually associated with achieving someone else’s goals. They are often the ones we concentrate on and they demand attention because the consequences of not dealing with them are immediate.

Make it a point to prioritize the important before being too busy with urgent.

Hope these tips help you in achieving your perfect mornings!

4 Easy Simple Ways To Change The Trajectory of your life

“Life is C (Choice) between B (Birth) and D (Death).”

– Jean Paul Sarte

You design your life through the daily choices you make. Where you put your attention most of the time is what your mind gets molded into and is then transformed into who you are. Knowing this, we have the power to look at where we a lot our energy adjust accordingly, learn what works and let go of things that aren’t essential.

Your present condition is the sum total of all of your choices. Your choices are votes to what you are committed to. Also choosing not to choose is a choice, so maybe you’ll start to look at things that you used to ignore or take for granted with more attention.

I find this four way approach to be really helpful because it can be applied to your daily routine immediately. Let’s get to it.

1. Do More of Something

Take a look at the past couple of days. What activities have helped you in achieving your full potential? Have you been meditating, exercising, eating healthy with intention? Maybe try to do more of that. The secret here is making Simple Small Steps. For your meditation maybe increasing the time to another 5 minutes. With lifting weights, adding a couple of reps. For your health maybe adding more health foods into your diet like grabbing more blueberries and avocados while in the grocery. There is power in incremental increase and with consistency, you will benefit from its compounding effect. There is great power in 1 more no matter how small in the right direction.

Action step: What activity are you already doing daily that you will do more of?

Increasing the duration, frequency and intensity.

2. Do Less of Something

Ask your self what activities have you been doing that aren’t serving your highest purpose. It might be making you happy on the surface level but isn’t pushing the needle towards your highest good. An example would be time spent consuming media. Maybe you lessen your Netflix and chill time by 30 mins. You do not need to take it away totally for it is your way of decompressing and recovery which is vital too. The trick here is to asses what’s really important and prioritizing them. Less time allotted to what serves your lower end desires and more time allotted to your higher end desires.

“Easy choices = Hard Life, Hard Choices = Easy Life”

Jerzy Gregorek

So make those seemingly hard choice of doing the right thing; (more exercises, be more positive, healthier diet, more creativity, more meditation) to improve your life in the long run. It is in the choices where you dedicate your time which dictates your outcome and direction in life. It is how you create and live your life after all.

Action step: What thing do you do daily that you will do less of?

Decrease its duration, frequency and intensity.

3. Stop Doing Something

As you start looking meticulously at your day to day, logging in your habits and watching yourself. What activities that aren’t for your highest good that you are ready to let go of? Maybe throughout your life some habits or frames of mind have proven themselves of no use to the person you are intending to become? Try letting go of them gradually leading up to totally. Doing less and less as we have discussed in Number 2. Then in this step you totally let go of them. Imagine them as your old garment that don’t suit your style anymore. Say “Bad habit of such and such, I no longer need you, thank you and goodbye”.

Action step: What bad habit that you are lessening and now completely letting go?

Acknowledge it, honor it and say goodbye to it!

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

– John D Rockefeller

4. Start Doing Something

In studying these mental models, habits and self help articles, you now know that anything and everything can be started and it is up to you to head on out and do it. 100 push ups a day? Start with one. Writing a book? Start with 1 page. Learn an instrument? Book some lessons. One trick to starting is booking and investing time and money for it. Starting a blog? Invest in a domain and hosting. If you invest time and money, you are more likely to take it seriously. So ask your inner self through silent pondering and act on it.

“If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible. If you schedule it, it’s real.

– Tony Robins

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”

– Karen Lamb


  • What are you doing more of?
  • What are you doing less of?
  • What are you gonna stop doing?
  • What are you gonna start doing?

Reference: Jim Kwik

thanks for being here, Namaste 🙏

An Early Morning System to Practice Daily

Early mornings are the best for priming your mindset towards the day ahead. Making each day a success will get you closer faster to your desired outcome. It is the moment where your mind is at its most creative and not yet filled with urgent to dos.

The early mornings are the best time to accomplish your important tasks that lead to your higher purpose before the demand of the day takes your time and attention away from your dreams. It is best to have a habit of practicing this routine known as S.A.V.E.R.S. by Hal Elrod.

1. Silence

Upon waking, your brain is running on a lower cycle per second (alpha/theta). It is a state akin to sleep, where you are still hazy and just getting out of a dream. Do not rush to wake up and do not fall back asleep, find that sweet spot. Sit with the spine straight and just sit with silence, with the mind not yet bombarded with distractions, listen to the sound of silence. Just you breathing, maybe the sound of the wind outside and the birds. Observe profound insights that you may discover through silence. Make it deliberate, just three minutes of this will have a profound effect. Your mind is a receptor if tuned in to the divine will receive signals from the Akasha (Divine Intelligence or God). Imagine the mind like still water with the sediments settling at the bottom as you keep it undisturbed.

Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself”.

-Mother Teresa

“Sit in silence and there is nothing you will not know”

– ancient proverb

2. Affirmations

Affirmations are repeated positive statements that affirm your power. They are suggestions to the subconscious mind. We use positive affirmations to immediately reframe the situation and how we look at a certain situation. After silence, recite your chosen affirmations. Here is a quick formula on creating your personal affirmation.

1.         Affirm your goal/commitment

2.         Ask yourself why it’s necessary that you achieve this and what it means for you

3.         Focus on the actions it will take to fulfill your affirmation

4.         When are you going to commit to obtaining it?

You can start with something simple such as

“Out of this situation only good can come, all is well and I am safe”

“I am Happy and Grateful Now that I am in the right place at the right time”

“I’m eternal, immortal, universal and infinite, the universe is abundant, therefore I feel abundant”

“God’s River of peace flows through me, enfolds me and enwraps me, I know God is love and I give thanks for my freedom”

3. Visualization

This step requires you to create a mental picture in your mind of the specific situation where you your desire is leading you. See in your minds eye doing the presentation, closing a deal, creating a performance, finishing a big project, as you visualize and imagine also capture the feeling that comes with it. The key here is feeling and believing. You believe and feel what you create in your mind first before it really gets imprinted in the subconscious. Everything starts within you. You are the director of your movie, the master weaver, the creator. So be disciplined in imagining the life you want. Imagine how your day will be. Do this consistently and observe the changes in your day to day.

4. Exercise

It doesn’t need to be intense or drastic. Do a standing jog, bang out some pushups, do some spine twists, walk around the block. Movement activates your proprioceptor, your awareness of the body in space. Through movement you induce natural happy chemicals from the brain. When you move you gain confidence that you move your life in the direction you wanted instead of you being moved by it. It is good for blood circulation, your nervous system, your muscles and overall positive outlook on life. So make movement a part of your morning routine. Do some zen swings, they are pretty fun.

5. Read

Now that you have primed and tuned your mind and body, it’s time to expand your knowledge. Play an inspiring audio book or read some inspirational quotes. Your input is your output so make sure to watch what you consume. You are doing a very good job being here reading this so keep up the good work.

You can also read an article or two about industries that surround your goal. Look into biographies of people who inspire you.

6. Scribing

Have a journal wherein you write down your insights, inspirations and specific actions. If you put it on paper, it is immediately out of your head and it is permanently etched in the physical realm. Putting what is in your head to paper is the next step in manifesting your desires. From hazy wave state of thought to solid statement on paper.


Feel free to apply these techniques in your day to day, you can a lot 5 minutes for each of them or whatever works for you. Remember Systems work! If you do things daily with consistency and persistence you will be on your way to the best self that you dream of. That Future self is the real you. It is a version of you you have not met yet. With a little discipline, curiosity and courage, you will be unstoppable.

Thanks for being here!

Namaste. 🙏