Memorize This 1 Minute Grounding Meditation Script

Welcome to this one-minute grounding meditation, designed to bring you into the present moment and cultivate mindfulness in your daily life. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or standing, and let’s begin.

  1. Start by taking a deep breath in, allowing your chest and belly to expand. Inhale positivity, exhale tension. Feel the breath energizing your body.
  2. Now, bring your attention to the top of your head. Imagine a warm, soft light gently descending from the crown of your head, relaxing every muscle it touches.
  3. Allow this calming light to flow down, melting away any stress or worry. Feel it moving through your forehead, your eyes, and your cheeks, releasing any tension.
  4. Let the light continue down your neck and shoulders, bringing a sense of ease. Notice any tightness dissolving with each breath.
  5. As the light reaches your chest, feel your heart center opening up. Inhale love and exhale gratitude, allowing positive energy to fill your being.
  6. Guide the light down through your abdomen and lower back, grounding you into the present moment. Connect with the support beneath you.
  7. Feel the light moving through your hips, thighs, and knees, releasing any remaining tension. Your body is now a vessel of tranquility.
  8. Finally, let the light flow down through your calves, ankles, and into your feet. Sense a strong connection between your body and the earth.
  9. Take one last deep breath, inhaling the peace you’ve cultivated. As you exhale, release anything that no longer serves you.
  10. Gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. You’ve just completed a one-minute grounding meditation, a simple yet powerful practice to bring mindfulness into your day.

Remember, you can return to this practice whenever you need a moment of calm and presence. Thank you for taking this mindful minute with me.

Celebrating the Power of Small Victories: Motivational Quotes to Inspire

In the grand tapestry of life, it’s often the seemingly small victories that form the building blocks of success. These little triumphs, like tiny stepping stones, pave the way for more significant achievements. Let’s embark on a journey of motivation and inspiration with quotes that celebrate the beauty and power of your small victories.

The Essence of Little Victories

“A great victory is a victory over ourselves.” – Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho beautifully captures the essence of victories lying within, emphasizing the profound impact of conquering one’s fears and doubts. Every small win over self-doubt is a step in the right direction.

“I don’t believe in the fear of failure. It’s the fear of not trying that’s the real danger.” – Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes dismantles the fear of failure, reminding us that the real danger lies in not taking those small steps towards our goals.

The Journey of a Thousand Miles

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi’s words resonate with the idea that success is not a destination but a continuous process, often shaped by the sum of small victories.

“It’s the series of small things that leads to big results.” – H. Jackson Brown

H. Jackson Brown underscores the importance of small achievements, emphasizing their role as the building blocks of more significant accomplishments.

Wisdom from Diverse Voices

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault

Robert Brault’s quote encourages us to appreciate the little joys, understanding that they contribute to the fundamental changes in our lives.

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” – John Wooden

John Wooden’s wisdom reminds us that small acts, like daily experiences, can lead to significant achievements.

Embracing Your Journey

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ quote serves as a reminder that finding joy in your daily victories is the surest path to ultimate success.

“Success is not about the destination, but the journey and the positive impact you make along the way.” – Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan emphasizes the positive impact embedded in the process of change, emphasizing the positive results derived from a series of small victories.

Closing Thoughts

As you navigate through your daily routine, remember that your small victories matter. Each tiny triumph contributes to a bigger picture, creating a positive mindset and fostering personal growth. In the words of Charles Duhigg, “small wins fuel transformative changes by leveraging tiny advantages into patterns that convince people that bigger achievements are within reach”.

So, take notice of those small victories, relish in the joy of your accomplishments, and understand that each step, no matter how small, is a valuable part of your journey. Celebrate your little victories, for they are the true heroes of your success story.

Inspirational Quotes From Inspirational People

Napoleon Hill:

Neville Goddard:

Marshall Sylver:

Denis Waitley:

Grant Cardone:

Joel Bauer:

Ed Forman:

Cavett Robert:

Charlie “Tremendous” Jones:

Les Brown:

Brian Tracy:

Zig Ziglar:

Joe Dispenza:

Earl Nightingale:

Tony Robbins:

Joe Vitale:

Jim Rohn:

Bob Proctor:

Esther Hicks (teachings of Abraham):

Learn to do “The Work” & liberate yourself from suffering

Byron Katie is an American author and speaker known for her self-inquiry method called “The Work.” She developed this method after experiencing a profound transformation in her own life. The Work is a simple yet powerful process of questioning our thoughts and beliefs to find inner peace and freedom.

Here are some of Byron Katie’s core teachings:

  1. The Work: The Work is a four-step process that involves identifying a stressful thought, questioning it, finding turnarounds, and experiencing a shift in perspective.
  2. Inquiry: Inquiry is the heart of The Work. It involves asking ourselves four questions: Is it true? Can I absolutely know it’s true? How do I react when I believe that thought? Who would I be without that thought?
  3. Self-Inquiry: Byron Katie encourages individuals to turn their attention inward and question their own thoughts and beliefs rather than seeking answers or validation from others.
  4. Radical Self-Acceptance: Byron Katie teaches the importance of accepting ourselves exactly as we are, without judgment or criticism. This includes accepting our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
  5. Taking Responsibility: Byron Katie emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings, and actions. She encourages individuals to recognize that they have the power to choose their responses to any situation.
  6. Questioning Our Stories: Byron Katie teaches that much of our suffering comes from the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, others, and the world. By questioning these stories, we can free ourselves from unnecessary pain and suffering.

Here are 27 quotes by Byron Katie:

Charlie Munger Quotes

Charlie Munger, the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and long-time business partner of Warren Buffett, is known for his wisdom on investing, business, and life. Here are some of his most famous quotes:

1. “The big money is not in the buying and selling… but in the waiting.” – This quote emphasizes the importance of patience in investing.

2. “It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.” – Munger believes in avoiding foolish decisions rather than trying to be overly smart.

3. “Never, ever, think about something else when you should be thinking about the power of incentives.” – Munger often talks about the power of incentives in shaping behavior.

4. “I believe in the discipline of mastering the best that other people have ever figured out. I don’t believe in just sitting down and trying to dream it all up yourself. Nobody’s that smart.” – Munger stresses the importance of learning from others.

5. “Knowing what you don’t know is more useful than being brilliant.” – Acknowledging your limitations can be more beneficial than having exceptional intelligence.

6. “Our job is to find a few intelligent things to do, not to keep up with every damn thing in the world.” – Focus on what matters most rather than trying to do everything.

7. “Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.” – Continuous learning and self-improvement are key to success.

8. “In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time – none, zero.” – Munger is a big advocate of reading and lifelong learning.

9. “The first rule is that you can’t really know anything if you just remember isolated facts and try and bang ’em back. If the facts don’t hang together on a latticework of theory, you don’t have them in a usable form.” – Understanding the connections between facts is more important than the facts themselves.

10. “It’s not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid.” – Success requires hard work and effort.

11. “People calculate too much and think too little.” – This quote emphasizes the importance of critical thinking over mere calculations.

12. “A lot of people with high IQs are terrible investors because they’ve got terrible temperaments. You need to keep raw, irrational emotion under control.” – Emotional intelligence is just as important as intellectual intelligence in investing.

13. “You don’t have to be brilliant, only a little bit wiser than the other guys, on average, for a long, long time.” – Consistency and patience often beat brilliance in the long run.

14. “The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more.” – Munger values knowledge and believes in the power of sharing it.

15. “Those who keep learning, will keep rising in life.” – Lifelong learning is the key to continuous growth and success.

16. “I’ve worked in an environment all my life where if I wasn’t reading, I wasn’t working.” – Reading is a crucial part of Munger’s work and success.

17. “We have a passion for keeping things simple.” – Simplicity is often more effective than complexity.

18. “I think that one should recognize reality even when one doesn’t like it; indeed, especially when one doesn’t like it.” – Acknowledging reality, even when it’s unpleasant, is crucial for making wise decisions.

19. “There’s danger in just shoveling out money to people who say, ‘My life is a little harder than it used to be.’ At a certain place you’ve got to say to the people, ‘Suck it in and cope, buddy. Suck it in and cope.'” – Munger believes in resilience and self-reliance.

20. “I did not succeed in life by intelligence. I succeeded because I have a long attention span.” – Persistence and focus can often lead to greater success than intelligence alone.

Quotes By Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman was an American poet, essayist, and journalist. He is often considered one of America’s most significant poets, known for his work “Leaves of Grass” which was first published in 1855 and which he continued to revise and expand until his death. Whitman’s poetry broke conventions of his time, with his use of free verse and exploration of themes such as democracy, nature, love, and friendship. His work was very controversial in its time, particularly his poetry that depicted love and sexuality in a frank manner.

From Walt Whitman, we can learn the importance of individuality, self-expression, and the human connection to nature. His work encourages us to appreciate the beauty in the everyday and to celebrate our unique selves. He also teaches us about the value of democracy and equality, as he often wrote about these themes in his work.

Here are 27 quotes by Walt Whitman:

  1. “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)”
  2. “I celebrate myself, and sing myself.”
  3. “Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.”
  4. “The powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.”
  5. “Resist much, obey little.”
  6. “I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.”
  7. “Be curious, not judgmental.”
  8. “Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.”
  9. “I exist as I am, that is enough.”
  10. “And your very flesh shall be a great poem.”
  11. “I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.”
  12. “The future is no more uncertain than the present.”
  13. “To me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle.”
  14. “I see great things in baseball. It’s our game – the American game.”
  15. “In the faces of men and women, I see God.”
  16. “Nothing can happen more beautiful than death.”
  17. “I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don’t believe I deserved my friends.”
  18. “The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity.”
  19. “I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.”
  20. “Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.”
  21. “I am satisfied…I see, dance, laugh, sing.”
  22. “The road to wisdom is paved with excess. The mark of a true writer is their ability to mystify the familiar and familiarize the strange.”
  23. “Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling.”
  24. “I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.”
  25. “I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.”
  26. “Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.”
  27. “Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. Perhaps it is everywhere – on water and land.”

Louise Hay Quotes

Louise Hay was an American motivational author and the founder of Hay House, a publishing company. She authored several self-help and New Thought books, and is best known for her 1984 book, “You Can Heal Your Life.” In her works, she propagated the ideas that mental and physical ailments were the result of faulty thought patterns, and that positive affirmations could be used to effect healing and overall well-being. Her books have been translated into 25 different languages in 33 countries throughout the world. Louise Hay passed away in 2017, but her legacy continues through her numerous books and the work of Hay House Publishing.

  1. “Every thought we think is creating our future.”
  2. “I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.”
  3. “Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”
  4. “I have noticed that the Universe loves Gratitude. The more Grateful you are, the more goodies you get.”
  5. “You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds…Claim and consciously use your power.”
  6. “It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.”
  7. “The point of power is always in the present moment.”
  8. “I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.”
  9. “Every person, place, and thing on this planet is interconnected with love. I am at home in the Universe.”
  10. “You are the only person who thinks in your mind! You are the power and authority in your world.”
  11. “I say ‘Out’ to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind.”
  12. “I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the very best way I know how.”
  13. “I have never understood the importance of having children memorize battle dates. It seems like such a waste of mental energy. Instead, we could teach them important subjects such as How the Mind Works, How to Handle Finances, How to Invest Money for Financial Security, How to be a Parent, How to Create Good Relationships, and How to Create and Maintain Self-Esteem and Self-Worth.”
  14. “I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life.”
  15. “Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
  16. “In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.”
  17. “We are each responsible for all of our experiences.”
  18. “I am in the process of positive change.”
  19. “I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity that the Universe offers. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask. I am Divinely guided and protected, and I make choices that are beneficial for me. I rejoice in other’s successes, knowing there is plenty for us all.”
  20. “I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it.”

Nicole La Pera Quotes

1. “You are not stuck. You have the ability to grow and change.” 

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes the power of personal growth and change. It suggests that no matter the situation, there is always room for improvement and evolution.

   Action Step: Identify areas in your life where you feel stuck and brainstorm ways you can initiate change. 

2. “Healing is about creating the conditions where the body can do what it’s designed to do: repair itself.”

   Explanation: This quote highlights the body’s natural ability to heal itself when provided with the right conditions.

   Action Step: Prioritize self-care and healthy habits to create an environment conducive to healing.

3. “The body keeps the score. If the brain says ‘we can’t handle the truth,’ the body says ‘we must.'”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that our bodies often hold onto emotional trauma, even when our minds try to ignore or forget it.

   Action Step: Practice mindfulness and body awareness exercises to tune into your body’s signals and address any unresolved emotional issues.

4. “The only way out is through.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that the only way to overcome challenges is to face them head-on.

   Action Step: Identify a challenge you’ve been avoiding and create a plan to confront and overcome it.

5. “We can’t heal what we don’t feel.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that in order to heal, we must first acknowledge and feel our emotions.

   Action Step: Practice emotional awareness by journaling or talking about your feelings with a trusted friend or therapist.

6. “The present moment is the only moment available to us.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes the importance of living in the present and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

   Action Step: Practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, to help you stay present.

7. “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that people often only decide to change when they can no longer bear their current circumstances.

   Action Step: If you’re unhappy with an aspect of your life, weigh the discomfort of your current situation against the potential discomfort of change.

8. “We are not responsible for what happened to us as children, but we are responsible for healing as adults.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that while we can’t change our past, we have the power to heal and shape our future.

   Action Step: If you have unresolved childhood trauma, consider seeking professional help to start your healing journey.

9. “Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

   Explanation: This quote highlights the importance of taking care of oneself in order to be able to care for others.

   Action Step: Incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine, such as exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep.

10. “The path to healing is not a straight line.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing is a journey with ups and downs, not a linear process.

   Action Step: Be patient with yourself during your healing journey and celebrate small victories along the way.

11. “Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that everyone has the inner strength to face their challenges and heal, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.

   Action Step: Reflect on times when you’ve shown courage in the past to remind yourself of your inner strength.

12. “Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing is a process that requires patience, practice, and self-love.

   Action Step: Be patient with yourself during your healing journey and remember to show yourself love and kindness.

13. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that our wounds and challenges can be opportunities for growth and enlightenment.

   Action Step: Reflect on a past challenge and identify what you learned or how you grew from it.

14. “Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes the importance of letting go of external expectations and beliefs in order to truly heal and become your authentic self.

   Action Step: Identify any expectations or beliefs that may be holding you back and practice letting go of them.

15. “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that while healing takes time, it also requires seizing opportunities for growth and change.

   Action Step: Look for opportunities in your life where you can make positive changes to aid your healing process.

16. “Healing is not about ‘moving on’ or ‘getting over it,’ it’s about learning to make peace with our pain.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that healing is not about forgetting or ignoring our pain, but about learning to live with it in a healthy way.

   Action Step: Practice acceptance and mindfulness techniques to help make peace with your pain.

17. “Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing is about taking back control of your life, not erasing your past.

   Action Step: Identify any areas of your life where past damage may still be in control and brainstorm ways to reclaim that control.

18. “Healing requires from us to stop struggling, but to enjoy life more and endure it less.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes the importance of finding joy in life as part of the healing process.

   Action Step: Incorporate activities that bring you joy into your daily routine.

19. “Healing is about accepting the pain and finding a way to peacefully co-exist with it. In the sea of life, pain is a tide that will ebb and weave, continually.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that pain is a part of life, but we can learn to live with it peacefully.

   Action Step: Practice mindfulness and acceptance techniques to help co-exist peacefully with your pain.

20. “Healing comes from gathering wisdom from past actions and letting go of the pain that the education cost you.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that healing involves learning from our past and letting go of the pain associated with those lessons.

   Action Step: Reflect on past experiences, identify the lessons learned, and practice letting go of any associated pain.

21. “Healing is a journey… not a destination.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing is a continuous process, not something that has a definitive end point.

   Action Step: Embrace the journey of healing, understanding that it’s a process that unfolds over time.

22. “Healing is about creating change I choose.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that healing involves making conscious choices to create positive change.

   Action Step: Identify one positive change you can make in your life and take steps to implement it.

23. “Healing is an inside job.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing begins within ourselves, not from external sources.

   Action Step: Focus on internal growth and self-improvement as part of your healing journey.

24. “Healing is about becoming whole and becoming whole is about becoming more you.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that healing involves embracing your true self and becoming whole.

   Action Step: Identify aspects of your true self that you may have been neglecting or suppressing and find ways to embrace them.

25. “Healing is about breaking through the barriers of visibility, about breaking down the walls that we all put up.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing involves breaking down barriers and becoming more open and vulnerable.

   Action Step: Identify any barriers or walls you’ve put up and consider ways you can begin to break them down.

26. “Healing is about seeing the pattern, understanding it, and making new choices.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that healing involves recognizing harmful patterns, understanding them, and making different choices.

   Action Step: Reflect on any harmful patterns in your life, try to understand why they exist, and brainstorm new, healthier choices you can make.

27. “Healing is about getting back to our natural state of balance and harmony.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing involves returning to a state of balance and harmony.

   Action Step: Identify areas of your life that feel out of balance and consider ways to restore harmony.

28. “Healing is about learning to live with, and move on from, trauma.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that healing involves learning to live with trauma, not forgetting or erasing it.

   Action Step: If you’ve experienced trauma, consider seeking professional help to learn healthy ways to live with and move on from it.

29. “Healing is about letting go of everything that isn’t serving your wellbeing.”

   Explanation: This quote suggests that healing involves letting go of anything that isn’t contributing to your wellbeing.

   Action Step: Identify any habits, relationships, or mindsets that aren’t serving your wellbeing and consider ways to let them go.

30. “Healing is about reclaiming your right to wellness.”

   Explanation: This quote emphasizes that healing involves reclaiming your right to be well and healthy.

   Action Step: Affirm your right to wellness and take steps to prioritize your health and wellbeing.

Teacher Goal Setting with the Danielson Framework: A Comprehensive Guide


The Danielson Framework for Teaching is a research-based set of components of instruction that are grounded in a constructivist view of learning and teaching. It’s a tool that helps teachers reflect on their practice, set professional goals, and drive their professional growth. In this blog post, we will delve into how teachers can set goals using the Danielson Framework.

Understanding the Danielson Framework

The Danielson Framework is divided into four domains: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Each domain is further divided into components and elements that define effective teaching. The framework serves as a guide for teachers to assess their skills and knowledge, set goals, and plan professional development.

Setting Goals with the Danielson Framework

  1. Self-Assessment: The first step in goal setting is self-assessment. Teachers should review the Danielson Framework and evaluate their performance in each domain. This will help identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement.
  2. Goal Identification: Based on the self-assessment, teachers should identify specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, if a teacher identifies ‘questioning and discussion techniques’ as an area of improvement, a SMART goal could be: “By the end of the semester, I will improve my questioning techniques to promote critical thinking and active engagement in 80% of my students.”
  3. Action Plan: Once the goals are set, teachers should develop an action plan outlining the steps they will take to achieve their goals. This could include professional development workshops, peer observations, reading professional literature, or collaborating with colleagues.
  4. Reflection and Adjustment: Regular reflection on progress is crucial in the goal-setting process. Teachers should reflect on their progress towards their goals and make necessary adjustments to their action plan.

Examples of Goals Set Using the Danielson Framework

Here are a few examples of goals set using the Danielson Framework:

  1. Domain 1 – Planning and Preparation: “I will develop and implement differentiated lesson plans for all my classes to cater to the diverse learning needs of my students.”
  2. Domain 2 – Classroom Environment: “I will create a positive and inclusive classroom environment where all students feel valued and engaged.”
  3. Domain 3 – Instruction: “I will incorporate technology into my teaching to enhance student learning and engagement.”
  4. Domain 4 – Professional Responsibilities: “I will collaborate with my colleagues to share best practices and improve my teaching strategies.”


The Danielson Framework provides a comprehensive and structured approach for teachers to set their professional goals. By aligning their goals with the framework, teachers can ensure they are focusing on areas that will have the most significant impact on their teaching effectiveness and student learning. Remember, the journey of professional growth is ongoing, and goal setting is a dynamic process that requires regular reflection and adjustment.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes

  1. “The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
  2. “Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.”
  3. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
  4. “The ending of sorrow is the beginning of wisdom.”
  5. “One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.”
  6. “The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river.”
  7. “Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay.”
  8. “A man who is not afraid is not aggressive, a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free, a peaceful man.”
  9. “To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”
  10. “In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand.”
  11. “We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something we are no longer free.”
  12. “The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.”
  13. “The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgement.”
  14. “It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free.”
  15. “Real learning comes about when the competitive spirit has ceased.”
  16. “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.”
  17. “When one loses the deep intimate relationship with nature, then temples, mosques and churches become important.”
  18. “You can only be afraid of what you think you know.”
  19. “Happiness is strange; it comes when you are not seeking it.”
  20. “The description is not the described; I can describe the mountain, but the description is not the mountain, and if you are caught up in the description, as most people are, then you will never see the mountain.”
  21. “Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person.”
  22. “To be free, you have to examine your own mind.”
  23. “The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another.”
  24. “A mind that is seeking is not a passionate mind and to come upon love without seeking it is the only way to find it.”
  25. “The moment you follow someone you cease to follow Truth.”
  26. “There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”
  27. “We carry about us the burden of what thousands of people have said and the memories of all our misfortunes. To abandon all that is to be alone, and the mind that is alone is not only innocent but young – not in time or age, but young, innocent, alive at whatever age – and only such a mind can see that which is truth and that which is not measurable by words.”
  28. “The observer is the observed.”
  29. “Truth is a pathless land.”