Start early today

9 Powerful Insights To Make A Better Day

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves in situations that challenge our comfort zones, question our losses and gains, and test our dreams and discipline. This essay explores the profound wisdom encapsulated in several thought-provoking aphorisms, each offering a unique perspective on personal growth and success.

The essence of this essay lies in the exploration of various life principles that serve as guiding lights in our journey towards personal growth. These principles, though seemingly paradoxical, offer profound insights into the nature of comfort zones, losses, dreams, problems, actions, failures, self-talk, and the mind.

Your Comfort Zone is a Nice Place to Visit. But Nothing Grows There

Comfort zones, while providing a sense of security and familiarity, often hinder personal growth. For instance, an individual may feel comfortable in their current job but may not be learning or growing professionally. Stepping out of this comfort zone, though initially daunting, can lead to new opportunities and personal development.

A Loss is a Gain

Losses, often perceived negatively, can be transformative. For example, losing a job can be a gain if it leads to a more fulfilling career path. It’s all about perspective and the ability to see the silver lining in every cloud.

Dreams Without Discipline is Delusion

Dreams are the seeds of success, but without the water of discipline, they remain mere illusions. For instance, an aspiring athlete dreaming of winning a gold medal must couple this dream with disciplined training to make it a reality.

Questions are the Answers

Questions are powerful tools for learning and growth. They stimulate thought, encourage curiosity, and lead to deeper understanding. For example, asking “why” can lead to breakthroughs in scientific research or personal introspection.

The Problem is Not the Problem, the Attitude Towards the Problem is the Problem

Our attitude towards problems often determines their impact on us. For instance, viewing a problem as an ins urmountable obstacle can lead to stress and anxiety. However, viewing the same problem as a challenge to overcome can lead to innovative solutions and personal growth.

Action is the Antidote to Despair

Inaction often leads to despair, while taking action, even if small, can lead to progress and hope. For example, an individual feeling overwhelmed by a large project can alleviate their despair by breaking the project into smaller tasks and tackling them one at a time.

Failure is the Stepping Stone to Success

Failure, though often feared, is an integral part of the journey to success. Each failure provides valuable lessons and insights that can guide future actions and decisions. For instance, a failed business venture can provide insights into market trends and customer preferences, paving the way for a successful future venture.

Your Self-Talk is the Channel of Your Behavior

The way we talk to ourselves significantly influences our behavior. Negative self-talk can lead to self-doubt and inaction, while positive self-talk can boost confidence and motivate action. For example, telling oneself “I can do this” can instill the confidence needed to tackle a challenging task.

Your Mind is a Powerful Thing. When You Fill it With Positive Thoughts, Your Life Will Start to Change

Our thoughts shape our reality. Filling our minds with positive thoughts can lead to positive outcomes. For instance, an individual who consistently thinks positively is likely to experience more happiness and success than someone who harbors negative thoughts.

In conclusion, these aphorisms offer valuable insights into the journey of personal growth. They remind us that comfort zones can limit growth, losses can lead to gains, dreams require discipline, questions lead to answers, attitudes shape problems, action alleviates despair, failures guide to success, self-talk influences behavior, and positive thoughts shape our lives. Embracing these principles can guide us towards personal growth and success.

10 things that will bring out the best in you

Unleash Your Inner High Performer: Embrace Action and Purpose!
In the pursuit of personal growth and success, we often seek inspiration and guidance to unlock our full potential. Today, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. By adopting a high-performance mindset and embracing actionable strategies, you can elevate your life to new heights. Let’s dive in!

  1. Watch Your Relationship with Failure:
    “Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s a stepping stone to success.” – Arianna Huffington

Failure is not something to be feared but rather an opportunity for growth. Embrace failure as a teacher, a catalyst for improvement. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward. Remember, every setback is a chance to rise stronger and wiser.

Actionable Tip: Reflect on your recent failures and identify the lessons they hold. Embrace a growth mindset and use these experiences to fuel your future success.

  1. Focus on What You Can Control:
    “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr

In a world filled with uncertainties, it’s essential to focus on what you can control. Direct your energy towards actions that will make a difference in your life. Let go of worries and frustrations about things beyond your control, as they only drain your energy and hinder progress.

Actionable Tip: Make a list of things within your control and create an action plan to tackle them. Shift your mindset from dwelling on the uncontrollable to taking charge of your own destiny.

  1. Live by Design, Not by Default:
    “Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

Don’t let life happen to you; design the life you desire. Set clear intentions, define your goals, and take deliberate actions to bring them to fruition. Be the architect of your own destiny, shaping your path with purpose and passion.

Actionable Tip: Create a vision board or write a detailed description of the life you want to live. Break it down into actionable steps and commit to taking consistent action towards your dreams.

  1. Win the Night Before You Win the Morning:
    “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Prepare for success by setting yourself up for a productive morning. Take time each night to plan your next day, prioritize tasks, and visualize your success. This proactive approach allows you to wake up with clarity and purpose, ready to conquer the day.

Actionable Tip: Before going to bed, write down your top three priorities for the next day. Visualize yourself accomplishing them and set yourself up for a victorious morning.

  1. Work for Something Greater Than Yourself:
    “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Find meaning and fulfillment by working towards a cause greater than your own pleasure and comfort. Dedicate your time and talents to making a positive impact on the world around you. By serving others, you not only contribute to the greater good but also discover your own purpose.

Actionable Tip: Identify a cause or organization that resonates with your values. Volunteer your time, donate, or find ways to support their mission. Your actions, no matter how small, can make a significant difference.

  1. Embrace Feedback from Yourself & Others:
    “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard

Feedback is a powerful tool for growth and improvement. Seek feedback from yourself through self-reflection and introspection. Additionally, welcome feedback from others with an open mind, as it provides valuable insights and perspectives that can propel you forward.

Actionable Tip: Regularly set aside time for self-reflection. Ask trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues for constructive feedback on areas you want to improve. Embrace feedback as a gift that helps you become the best version of yourself.

  1. Do Things on Purpose with Purpose:
    “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

Approach each task, big or small, with intention and purpose. Align your actions with your values and passions. When you do things with purpose, you infuse them with enthusiasm and dedication, leading to greater fulfillment and success.

Actionable Tip: Before starting a task, remind yourself of its purpose and how it aligns with your overall goals. Infuse it with passion and give it your best effort.

  1. Take Action to Be Better:
    “If you’re not moving forward, you’re falling behind.” – Unknown

Continuous improvement is the key to personal growth and success. Take intentional action every day to become better than you were yesterday. Embrace challenges, seek new knowledge, and push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Actionable Tip: Set aside time each day for deliberate practice or learning. Whether it’s reading a book, attending a workshop, or practicing a skill, commit to consistent action that propels you forward.

  1. Have Strong Beliefs Loosely Held:
    “Beliefs are like a double-edged sword; they can limit us or empower us. Examine them with an open mind.” – Unknown

Hold strong beliefs that guide your actions, but remain open to new perspectives and ideas. Continuously evaluate and challenge your beliefs, allowing room for growth and adaptation. This flexibility enables you to evolve and embrace new possibilities.

Actionable Tip: Engage in conversations with people who hold different beliefs or viewpoints. Seek to understand their perspectives and challenge your own assumptions. Embrace the opportunity for personal growth through open-mindedness.

  1. Take 90 Minutes to Define Your Ideal Self:
    “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle

Invest time in self-reflection and self-discovery. Set aside 90 minutes to reflect on the type of person you aspire to be. Define your values, strengths, and the qualities you want to embody. This exercise will provide clarity and serve as a compass for your actions.

Actionable Tip: Find a quiet space, grab a pen and paper, and dedicate 90 minutes to introspection. Write down your ideal self in vivid detail. Describe the characteristics, habits, and values that align with your vision. Visualize yourself embodying these qualities and commit to taking daily actions that bring you closer to becoming that person.

Today, I encourage you to embrace the principles of high performance and take actionable steps towards unleashing your full potential. Watch your relationship with failure, focus on what you can control, and live a life by design, not by default. Remember to win the night before you win the morning and work for something greater than yourself. Embrace feedback, do things on purpose with purpose, and take consistent action to be better each day. Have strong beliefs loosely held and invest time in defining your ideal self.

As you embark on this journey, remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” You have the power to shape your destiny and become the high performer you aspire to be. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and let your actions speak louder than words. The world is waiting for your greatness to shine.

So, take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and let the journey begin. Today is the day you choose to be a high performer, and every day that follows is an opportunity to live a life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

Start Early Today 3 Week Program


Waking up early is a habit that is often associated with success and productivity. Many successful people have attributed their success to waking up early and utilizing the extra hours in the morning to get things done. In this essay, we will discuss the benefits of a month-long program of waking up early.

The 3 Week Start Early Today Protocol is a challenge that requires discipline and commitment. The program involves waking up at a specific time every day for a 3 weeks. The goal of the program is to establish a habit of waking up early and reaping the benefits that come with it.

What you will gain

1. Increased productivity: Waking up early gives you extra hours in the day to get things done. You can use this time to exercise, meditate, plan your day, or work on a project. This extra time can help you be more productive and accomplish more throughout the day.

2. Improved mental health: Waking up early can also have a positive impact on your mental health. Studies have shown that people who wake up early are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. This is because waking up early gives you time to start your day in a calm and relaxed manner, which can help reduce stress levels.

3. Better sleep quality: Waking up early can also improve the quality of your sleep. When you wake up early, you are more likely to go to bed earlier, which can help regulate your sleep cycle. This can lead to better sleep quality and more restful sleep.


1. Benjamin Franklin: Benjamin Franklin was known for waking up early and utilizing the extra hours in the morning to plan his day and work on his projects. He famously said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

2. Tim Cook: Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, wakes up at 4:30 am every day to start his day. He uses this time to exercise and read emails before starting his workday. Cook has attributed his success to his early morning routine.

3. Richard Branson: Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, wakes up at 5:45 am every day. He uses this time to exercise and spend time with his family before starting his workday. Branson has said that waking up early gives him a head start on his day and helps him be more productive.

4. Elon Musk: Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, wakes up at 5:00 am every day to start his day. He uses this time to exercise, read, and respond to emails before starting his workday.

5. Michelle Obama: Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States, wakes up at 4:30 am every day to exercise before starting her day. She has said that waking up early helps her stay focused and energized and calm

Week 1: Establishing the Habit

The first week of the program is all about establishing the habit of waking up early. Start by setting a specific time to wake up every day, even on weekends. It’s important to be consistent to help your body adjust to the new routine. Use an alarm clock or a sleep tracking app to help you wake up on time. During this week, focus on getting enough sleep by going to bed earlier.

    Week 2: Adding Productivity

    In the second week, focus on adding productivity to your early morning routine. Use the extra time to plan your day, exercise, or work on personal projects. This can help you feel more accomplished and motivated throughout the day. You can also use this time to read, journal, or meditate to help you start your day with a clear mind.

    Week 3: Finding Balance

    The third week is all about finding balance. While waking up early can be beneficial, it’s important to make sure you’re not sacrificing your sleep or other important aspects of your life. Use this week to evaluate your routine and make adjustments as needed. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and taking breaks throughout the day to avoid burnout.


    In conclusion, a three-week program of waking up early can be a powerful tool for improving productivity, focus, and balance in our lives. By establishing the habit of waking up early, adding productivity to our morning routine, and finding balance in our daily lives, we can reap the benefits of this simple yet effective habit. The examples of successful people who wake up early demonstrate that this habit can be a key factor in achieving success. By committing to this program and making it a part of our daily routine, we can unlock our full potential and achieve our goals. So, let’s wake up early and start our day with purpose and intention!

    4 Easy Simple Ways To Change The Trajectory of your life

    “Life is C (Choice) between B (Birth) and D (Death).”

    – Jean Paul Sarte

    You design your life through the daily choices you make. Where you put your attention most of the time is what your mind gets molded into and is then transformed into who you are. Knowing this, we have the power to look at where we a lot our energy adjust accordingly, learn what works and let go of things that aren’t essential.

    Your present condition is the sum total of all of your choices. Your choices are votes to what you are committed to. Also choosing not to choose is a choice, so maybe you’ll start to look at things that you used to ignore or take for granted with more attention.

    I find this four way approach to be really helpful because it can be applied to your daily routine immediately. Let’s get to it.

    1. Do More of Something

    Take a look at the past couple of days. What activities have helped you in achieving your full potential? Have you been meditating, exercising, eating healthy with intention? Maybe try to do more of that. The secret here is making Simple Small Steps. For your meditation maybe increasing the time to another 5 minutes. With lifting weights, adding a couple of reps. For your health maybe adding more health foods into your diet like grabbing more blueberries and avocados while in the grocery. There is power in incremental increase and with consistency, you will benefit from its compounding effect. There is great power in 1 more no matter how small in the right direction.

    Action step: What activity are you already doing daily that you will do more of?

    Increasing the duration, frequency and intensity.

    2. Do Less of Something

    Ask your self what activities have you been doing that aren’t serving your highest purpose. It might be making you happy on the surface level but isn’t pushing the needle towards your highest good. An example would be time spent consuming media. Maybe you lessen your Netflix and chill time by 30 mins. You do not need to take it away totally for it is your way of decompressing and recovery which is vital too. The trick here is to asses what’s really important and prioritizing them. Less time allotted to what serves your lower end desires and more time allotted to your higher end desires.

    “Easy choices = Hard Life, Hard Choices = Easy Life”

    Jerzy Gregorek

    So make those seemingly hard choice of doing the right thing; (more exercises, be more positive, healthier diet, more creativity, more meditation) to improve your life in the long run. It is in the choices where you dedicate your time which dictates your outcome and direction in life. It is how you create and live your life after all.

    Action step: What thing do you do daily that you will do less of?

    Decrease its duration, frequency and intensity.

    3. Stop Doing Something

    As you start looking meticulously at your day to day, logging in your habits and watching yourself. What activities that aren’t for your highest good that you are ready to let go of? Maybe throughout your life some habits or frames of mind have proven themselves of no use to the person you are intending to become? Try letting go of them gradually leading up to totally. Doing less and less as we have discussed in Number 2. Then in this step you totally let go of them. Imagine them as your old garment that don’t suit your style anymore. Say “Bad habit of such and such, I no longer need you, thank you and goodbye”.

    Action step: What bad habit that you are lessening and now completely letting go?

    Acknowledge it, honor it and say goodbye to it!

    Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

    – John D Rockefeller

    4. Start Doing Something

    In studying these mental models, habits and self help articles, you now know that anything and everything can be started and it is up to you to head on out and do it. 100 push ups a day? Start with one. Writing a book? Start with 1 page. Learn an instrument? Book some lessons. One trick to starting is booking and investing time and money for it. Starting a blog? Invest in a domain and hosting. If you invest time and money, you are more likely to take it seriously. So ask your inner self through silent pondering and act on it.

    “If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible. If you schedule it, it’s real.

    – Tony Robins

    “A year from now you may wish you had started today.”

    – Karen Lamb


    • What are you doing more of?
    • What are you doing less of?
    • What are you gonna stop doing?
    • What are you gonna start doing?

    Reference: Jim Kwik

    thanks for being here, Namaste 🙏