Start early today

An Early Morning System to Practice Daily

Early mornings are the best for priming your mindset towards the day ahead. Making each day a success will get you closer faster to your desired outcome. It is the moment where your mind is at its most creative and not yet filled with urgent to dos.

The early mornings are the best time to accomplish your important tasks that lead to your higher purpose before the demand of the day takes your time and attention away from your dreams. It is best to have a habit of practicing this routine known as S.A.V.E.R.S. by Hal Elrod.

1. Silence

Upon waking, your brain is running on a lower cycle per second (alpha/theta). It is a state akin to sleep, where you are still hazy and just getting out of a dream. Do not rush to wake up and do not fall back asleep, find that sweet spot. Sit with the spine straight and just sit with silence, with the mind not yet bombarded with distractions, listen to the sound of silence. Just you breathing, maybe the sound of the wind outside and the birds. Observe profound insights that you may discover through silence. Make it deliberate, just three minutes of this will have a profound effect. Your mind is a receptor if tuned in to the divine will receive signals from the Akasha (Divine Intelligence or God). Imagine the mind like still water with the sediments settling at the bottom as you keep it undisturbed.

Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself”.

-Mother Teresa

“Sit in silence and there is nothing you will not know”

– ancient proverb

2. Affirmations

Affirmations are repeated positive statements that affirm your power. They are suggestions to the subconscious mind. We use positive affirmations to immediately reframe the situation and how we look at a certain situation. After silence, recite your chosen affirmations. Here is a quick formula on creating your personal affirmation.

1.         Affirm your goal/commitment

2.         Ask yourself why it’s necessary that you achieve this and what it means for you

3.         Focus on the actions it will take to fulfill your affirmation

4.         When are you going to commit to obtaining it?

You can start with something simple such as

“Out of this situation only good can come, all is well and I am safe”

“I am Happy and Grateful Now that I am in the right place at the right time”

“I’m eternal, immortal, universal and infinite, the universe is abundant, therefore I feel abundant”

“God’s River of peace flows through me, enfolds me and enwraps me, I know God is love and I give thanks for my freedom”

3. Visualization

This step requires you to create a mental picture in your mind of the specific situation where you your desire is leading you. See in your minds eye doing the presentation, closing a deal, creating a performance, finishing a big project, as you visualize and imagine also capture the feeling that comes with it. The key here is feeling and believing. You believe and feel what you create in your mind first before it really gets imprinted in the subconscious. Everything starts within you. You are the director of your movie, the master weaver, the creator. So be disciplined in imagining the life you want. Imagine how your day will be. Do this consistently and observe the changes in your day to day.

4. Exercise

It doesn’t need to be intense or drastic. Do a standing jog, bang out some pushups, do some spine twists, walk around the block. Movement activates your proprioceptor, your awareness of the body in space. Through movement you induce natural happy chemicals from the brain. When you move you gain confidence that you move your life in the direction you wanted instead of you being moved by it. It is good for blood circulation, your nervous system, your muscles and overall positive outlook on life. So make movement a part of your morning routine. Do some zen swings, they are pretty fun.

5. Read

Now that you have primed and tuned your mind and body, it’s time to expand your knowledge. Play an inspiring audio book or read some inspirational quotes. Your input is your output so make sure to watch what you consume. You are doing a very good job being here reading this so keep up the good work.

You can also read an article or two about industries that surround your goal. Look into biographies of people who inspire you.

6. Scribing

Have a journal wherein you write down your insights, inspirations and specific actions. If you put it on paper, it is immediately out of your head and it is permanently etched in the physical realm. Putting what is in your head to paper is the next step in manifesting your desires. From hazy wave state of thought to solid statement on paper.


Feel free to apply these techniques in your day to day, you can a lot 5 minutes for each of them or whatever works for you. Remember Systems work! If you do things daily with consistency and persistence you will be on your way to the best self that you dream of. That Future self is the real you. It is a version of you you have not met yet. With a little discipline, curiosity and courage, you will be unstoppable.

Thanks for being here!

Namaste. 🙏