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On Positivity & Leadership

Jon Gordon is a renowned author, speaker, and consultant who specializes in leadership, teamwork, and positive organizational culture. He has written numerous books that provide valuable insights and inspiration for personal and professional growth. Here are 55 quotes from his books, along with brief explanations:

1. “Your positive energy and vision must be greater than anyone’s and everyone’s negativity.” – This quote emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and outlook, even in the face of negativity.

2. “The best leaders are the best learners.” – Continuous learning is crucial for effective leadership and personal development.

3. “Your culture is your brand.” – This quote highlights the significance of cultivating a positive and supportive organizational culture, as it directly impacts the perception of your brand.

4. “Great leaders love serving and helping others.” – True leadership involves a genuine desire to serve and support others, fostering a culture of collaboration and growth.

5. “Success is a team sport.” – Success is rarely achieved alone; it requires the collective effort and collaboration of a team.

6. “The greatest gift you can give someone is your attention.” – This quote emphasizes the importance of active listening and being fully present when engaging with others.

7. “Your purpose is your why.” – Understanding your purpose provides clarity and motivation in both personal and professional endeavors.

8. “Positive leaders create positive cultures.” – Leaders who embody positivity and optimism have the power to shape a positive organizational culture.

9. “You can’t lead others if you can’t lead yourself.” – Effective leadership starts with self-awareness and personal growth.

10. “The more you give, the more you receive.” – Generosity and giving contribute to personal fulfillment and create a positive ripple effect.

“Your team’s culture is either by design or by default.” – This quote emphasizes the importance of intentionally shaping and cultivating a positive team culture.

  1. “Positive leaders transform teams and organizations.” – Positive leadership has the power to inspire and bring about positive change at all levels of an organization.
  2. “Your attitude determines your altitude.” – Your attitude and mindset play a significant role in determining your level of success and achievement.
  3. “Energy vampires will suck the life out of your team.” – Negative and toxic individuals can drain the energy and morale of a team, hindering productivity and success.
  4. “Great teams embrace change.” – Successful teams are adaptable and open to change, embracing new opportunities and challenges.
  5. “Your words create your world.” – The language we use and the words we speak have the power to shape our reality and influence those around us.
  6. “The best leaders are the best communicators.” – Effective leadership involves clear and open communication, fostering understanding and alignment within a team.
  7. “Success is not a solo act.” – Achieving success requires collaboration, support, and the collective effort of a team.
  8. “Your team’s culture is a reflection of your leadership.” – The culture of a team is a direct reflection of the leadership style and values of its leader.
  9. “Great leaders build great relationships.” – Building strong relationships based on trust and respect is essential for effective leadership.
  10. “Your purpose is your fuel.” – Understanding and aligning with your purpose provides the motivation and drive to overcome challenges and achieve success.
  11. “Positive leaders create positive results.” – Positive leadership has a direct impact on the performance and outcomes of a team or organization.
  12. “Your team’s culture is contagious.” – The culture of a team spreads and influences the attitudes and behaviors of its members.
  13. “Great leaders focus on solutions, not problems.” – Effective leaders approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset, seeking opportunities for growth and improvement.
  14. “Your team’s culture is built one relationship at a time.” – Cultivating a positive team culture involves nurturing individual relationships and fostering a sense of belonging and connection.
  15. “Success is not just about making money; it’s about making a difference.” – True success involves making a positive impact and contributing to something greater than oneself.
  16. “Great leaders inspire greatness in others.” – Effective leaders have the ability to inspire and bring out the best in their team members.
  17. “Your team’s culture is the foundation for success.” – A strong and positive team culture sets the stage for success and high performance.
  18. “Positive leaders create positive change.” – Positive leadership is a catalyst for positive change and growth within a team or organization.
  19. “Your team’s culture is shaped by your values.” – The values and beliefs of a leader influence the culture and behaviors of their team.
  20. “Great leaders lead with love.” – Love, compassion, and empathy are essential qualities of effective leadership.
  21. “Your purpose is your compass.” – Your purpose provides guidance and direction in making decisions and navigating through challenges.
  22. “Positive leaders see opportunities where others see obstacles.” – Positive leaders have a mindset that allows them to see possibilities and opportunities in difficult situations.
  23. “Your team’s culture is the foundation for trust.” – A positive team culture built on trust fosters collaboration, innovation, and high performance.
  24. “Great leaders create a positive ripple effect.” – The positive influence of a leader extends beyond their immediate team, creating a ripple effect throughout the organization.
  25. “Your team’s culture is built on shared values.” – Shared values create a sense of unity and alignment within a team, driving collective success.
  26. “Positive leaders embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.” – Positive leaders view failure as an opportunity for growth and learning.
  27. “Your purpose is your motivation.” – Understanding your purpose provides the intrinsic motivation needed to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
  28. “Great leaders empower others to lead.” – Effective leaders empower and develop the leadership skills of their team members.
  29. “Your team’s culture is a reflection of its habits.” – The habits and behaviors of a team shape its culture and ultimately its success.
  30. “Positive leaders create positive habits.” – Positive leaders model and encourage positive habits within their team.
  31. “Your team’s culture is built on shared vision.” – A shared vision creates a sense of purpose and direction, aligning the efforts of a team.
  32. “Great leaders lead by example.” – Effective leaders model the behaviors and values they expect from their team members.
  33. “Your purpose is your North Star.” – Your purpose serves as a guiding light, providing clarity and direction in your journey.
  34. “Positive leaders inspire positive action.” – Positive leaders inspire and motivate their team members to take positive action and achieve their goals.

I hope these additional quotes provide further insights and inspiration from Jon Gordon’s work. Remember, his books offer a wealth of wisdom and practical advice for personal and professional growth.

Be A Conscious Leader Using These Commitments

Conscious Leadership is a style of leadership that requires leaders to be deeply aware of their own motivations, values, and vision, and to lead from a place of comprehensive awareness. It involves being mindful of the impact of their decisions on their team, their organization, and the wider community. 

1. Taking Radical Responsibility:

This means accepting full responsibility for the outcomes in your life, rather than blaming circumstances or other people. For example, if a project fails, a conscious leader would examine their own role in that failure rather than blaming their team.

2. Learning Through Curiosity:

This involves being open to new ideas and perspectives. For instance, a conscious leader might actively seek feedback from their team and be open to constructive criticism.

3. Feeling All Feelings:

Conscious leaders allow themselves to fully experience their emotions, rather than suppressing them. For example, they might openly express their disappointment when a goal isn’t met, rather than hiding their feelings.

4. Speaking Candidly:

This means being honest and transparent in communication. A conscious leader might, for example, openly discuss the challenges the company is facing rather than hiding them.

5. Eliminating Gossip:

Conscious leaders address issues directly with the people involved. For instance, if they have a problem with a team member’s performance, they would discuss it directly with that person rather than complaining to others.

6. Practicing Integrity:

This involves being truthful and reliable in all situations. For example, a conscious leader would keep their promises to their team and admit when they’ve made a mistake.

7. Generating Appreciation:

Conscious leaders regularly express gratitude. They might, for instance, thank a team member for their hard work on a project.

8. Excelling in Your Zone of Genius:

This means focusing on what you’re best at. A conscious leader might delegate tasks that they’re not skilled at to others who are, and focus on their own areas of expertise.

9. Living a Life of Play and Rest:

Conscious leaders understand the importance of balance and make time for relaxation and fun. For example, they might encourage their team to take regular breaks and promote a healthy work-life balance.

10. Exploring the Opposite Perspective:

This involves being open to viewpoints that differ from your own. For instance, a conscious leader might invite a team member who disagrees with them to share their perspective.

11. Sourcing Approval, Control, and Security:

Conscious leaders seek their own validation and security, rather than relying on others. For example, they might set their own goals and measure their success against them, rather than comparing themselves to others.

12. Having Clear Agreements:

This means being explicit about expectations and commitments. A conscious leader might, for instance, clearly outline the responsibilities of each team member at the start of a project.

13. Living a Life of Full Responsibility:

This involves taking responsibility for all aspects of your life, including your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. For example, a conscious leader might prioritize self-care and personal development.

14. Being the Resolution:

Conscious leaders strive to be the solution to problems. For instance, if there’s conflict within their team, they would take steps to resolve it rather than ignoring it or hoping it resolves itself.

15. Creating Win for All Solutions:

This means seeking outcomes that benefit everyone involved. For example, a conscious leader might seek a solution to a dispute that meets the needs of both parties, rather than favoring one side.

For more information, you can visit the Conscious Leadership Group’s website at This website provides a wealth of resources on Conscious Leadership, including detailed explanations of the 15 commitments, online courses, coaching services, and a blog with articles on various aspects of Conscious Leadership. 

The Conscious Leadership Group, founded by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp, is dedicated to cultivating a new paradigm of leadership that’s based on awareness, authenticity, and responsibility. They offer a variety of programs and services designed to help leaders develop the skills and mindset necessary to lead consciously and effectively. 

In conclusion, Conscious Leadership is about leading with awareness, authenticity, and a deep sense of responsibility. It’s about being fully present and engaged, and making decisions that are in the best interest of all stakeholders. The 15 commitments of Conscious Leadership provide a roadmap for developing these qualities and embodying this style of leadership.