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Create Your Reality; Believe & It Shall Be



Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who lived from 1905 to 1972. He was born in Barbados and later moved to the United States, where he became known for his teachings on the power of the mind and the concept of manifestation.

Here are 33 quotes by Neville Goddard with explanations:

1. “Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live.” – This quote emphasizes the idea that our perception of ourselves shapes our reality. By changing how we see ourselves, we can transform our external circumstances.

2. “Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route that your attention follows.” – Neville teaches that assuming the feeling of already having what we desire is a powerful technique for manifestation. This quote suggests paying attention to the thoughts and emotions that arise when we imagine our wish fulfilled.

3. “Your imagination is able to do anything.” – Neville believed that the imagination is a creative force that can bring about desired outcomes. This quote encourages us to tap into the power of our imagination to manifest our desires.

4. “The world is yourself pushed out.” – According to Neville, our external reality is a reflection of our internal state. This quote suggests that we are responsible for creating our own experiences through our thoughts and beliefs.

5. “Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself.” – Neville believed that our faith in a higher power is directly linked to our belief in our own abilities. This quote suggests that having confidence in ourselves is essential for manifesting our desires.

6. “Assume the feeling of being what you want to be and that assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.” – Neville teaches that persistently assuming the feeling of already being what we desire can eventually manifest it into reality.

7. “Your imagination is the only limit to what you can be, do, or have.” – This quote emphasizes the limitless potential of the imagination. Neville believed that by harnessing the power of our imagination, we can achieve anything we desire.

8. “The feeling of the wish fulfilled is the secret of all successful prayer.” – Neville taught that feeling the reality of our desires as already fulfilled is the key to effective prayer and manifestation.

9. “You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it.” – Neville believed that we already possess the qualities and circumstances we desire, but our lack of belief prevents us from experiencing them.

10. “Your imagination is the mirror of your inner world.” – This quote suggests that our imagination reflects our inner thoughts and beliefs. By consciously directing our imagination, we can shape our external reality.

11. “The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing, within yourself.” – Neville taught that the external world is a reflection of our internal state. This quote suggests that our experiences are a reflection of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

12. “Your imagination is the bridge between the invisible and the visible.” – Neville believed that the imagination acts as a bridge between the unseen realm of possibilities and the physical world. This quote highlights the power of the imagination to manifest our desires.

13. “Your imagination is the most important tool you possess.” – According to Neville, the imagination is our most powerful tool for creating the life we desire. This quote emphasizes the importance of harnessing the creative power of the imagination.

14. “Your imagination is the means by which you can change your future.” – Neville taught that by consciously using our imagination, we can shape our future experiences. This quote suggests that our imagination is the key to creating the life we desire.

15. “Your imagination is the workshop of your mind.” – This quote suggests that our imagination is where we can create and shape our thoughts, beliefs, and desires. Neville believed that by working with our imagination, we can transform our lives.

16. “Your imagination is the engine of your desires.” – Neville taught that our desires are fueled by our imagination. This quote suggests that by using our imagination to vividly imagine our desires, we can accelerate their manifestation.

17. “Your imagination is the source of your power.” – According to Neville, our power to manifest our desires comes from our imagination. This quote highlights the importance of tapping into the creative power of our imagination.

18. “Your imagination is the key to unlocking your potential.” – Neville believed that our imagination holds the key to unlocking our true potential. This quote suggests that by harnessing the power of our imagination, we can tap into our limitless possibilities.

19. “Your imagination is the gateway to a new reality.” – This quote suggests that by using our imagination, we can create a new reality for ourselves. Neville taught that by imagining and feeling the reality of our desires, we can bring them into existence.

20. “Your imagination is the seed of your future.” – Neville believed that our imagination plants the seeds for our future experiences. This quote suggests that by consciously directing our imagination, we can shape the outcomes we desire.

21. “Your imagination is the architect of your destiny.” – According to Neville, our imagination plays a crucial role in shaping our destiny. This quote suggests that by consciously using our imagination, we can design and create the life we desire.

22. “Your imagination is the compass that guides you towards your desires.” – Neville taught that our imagination acts as a compass, guiding us towards our desires. This quote suggests that by following the guidance of our imagination, we can manifest our desires.

23. “Your imagination is the key to unlocking the door to your dreams.” – This quote suggests that our imagination holds the key to unlocking the fulfillment of our dreams. Neville believed that by vividly imagining our desires, we can open the door to their manifestation.

24. “Your imagination is the fuel that propels you towards your goals.” – According to Neville, our imagination fuels our journey towards our goals. This quote suggests that by using our imagination to visualize and feel our desired outcomes, we can propel ourselves towards their realization.

25. “Your imagination is the foundation upon which you build your reality.” – Neville taught that our imagination forms the foundation for creating our reality. This quote suggests that by consciously using our imagination, we can lay the groundwork for manifesting our desires.

26. “Your imagination is the canvas on which you paint your desires.” – This quote suggests that our imagination is like a canvas where we can paint the picture of our desires. Neville believed that by vividly imagining our desires, we can bring them to life.

27. “Your imagination is the key to unlocking the door to your potential.” – Neville taught that our imagination holds the key to unlocking our true potential. This quote suggests that by harnessing the power of our imagination, we can tap into our limitless possibilities.

28. “Your imagination is the bridge between where you are and where you want to be.” – This quote suggests that our imagination acts as a bridge between our current reality and our desired reality. Neville believed that by using our imagination, we can bridge the gap between the two.

29. “Your imagination is the tool that shapes your reality.” – According to Neville, our imagination is the tool we use to shape our reality. This quote emphasizes the power of our imagination to create the life we desire.

30. “Challenge your reality through intentional imagining” – If you don’t like what you see, alter it in your imagination and wait patiently for things to change.

31. “Your imagination is the key to unlocking your creativity.” – Neville believed that our imagination is the source of our creativity. This quote suggests that by tapping into our imagination, we can unleash our creative potential.

32. “Your imagination is the doorway to infinite possibilities.” – This quote highlights the limitless nature of our imagination. Neville taught that by expanding our imagination, we can open ourselves up to a world of infinite possibilities.

33. “Your imagination is the tool for self-transformation.” – According to Neville, our imagination is the tool we can use to transform ourselves and our lives. This quote suggests that by consciously using our imagination, we can bring about personal growth and positive change.

Here are some links to Neville Goddard’s work:

1. “The Power of Awareness” – This book by Neville Goddard explores the power of our consciousness and how it shapes our reality. It delves into the concept of manifestation and provides practical techniques for using the power of imagination to create the life we desire. You can find the book on Amazon or other online bookstores.

2. “The Law and the Promise” – In this book, Neville Goddard discusses the law of assumption and how it can be applied to manifest our desires. He shares real-life stories and examples to illustrate the power of assumption in creating our reality. You can find this book on Amazon or other online bookstores.

3. Neville Goddard’s lectures on YouTube – There are several YouTube channels that feature Neville Goddard’s lectures and teachings. These videos provide valuable insights into his teachings on manifestation, imagination, and the power of the mind. Simply search for “Neville Goddard lectures” on YouTube to find a variety of videos to explore.

4. Neville Goddard’s books on Project Gutenberg – Project Gutenberg offers free access to a collection of Neville Goddard’s books in the public domain. You can visit their website and search for Neville Goddard to find his works available for online reading or download.

Please note that while Neville Goddard’s teachings have gained popularity and have been influential to many, it’s important to approach them with an open mind and discernment, as with any spiritual teachings.