9 Ways To Get Motivated Today

Do you get the feeling in your gut that life is way more than what’s happening to you right now? Do you have a dream lifestyle or project that has been stuck on the shelf for “maybe next time”? Are you waiting for the right moment and circumstances for you to even start? Make a difference today by intentionally motivating yourself to walk the path of your dreams. Learning to motivate yourself will pay you huge dividends in the long run. And one thing is for sure, time will run no matter how you feel about it. Here are some simple tips that you can act upon today.

“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” 

– George Lorimer

1. Create an Agreement with Self

if you create a transaction with yourself to get a certain thing done, the urgency of the matter increases. Make that deal with integrity and courage. An example would be, “I will reward myself with relaxation only after I get my bills sorted out”. Make a deal that you know you can fulfill. Therein lies freedom because you are the one setting that “deal”. You can start with “I won’t have a meal until I tidy up and have walked around the block.” Start with these simple agreements and increase their intensity and frequency with gentleness and ease. Be true to what you set out to do and abide by the law you have decreed upon yourself. Nobody can make you do things other than you.

“How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word. When you are impeccable with your word, you feel good; you feel happy and at peace.”

– The Four Agreements

2. Embody Your Ideal

Your ideal self is the version of yourself you long to be. If you are able to desire it, it is law that you must be it. What most people miss is that they tend to push away their desires from them by saying “I will be this someday when things fall to place”. Change this inner mental talk to “I am embodying the version of my self that is ___________ right now and I’m constantly growing and changing becoming more of it daily”. When you feel that you are it, the universe agrees and conspires circumstances that you cannot achieve on your own.

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.“

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. Uplifting Inquiries

Here are 3 questions to ask in the morning.

  • What am I ___________ in my life right now?
  • What about it makes me so __________?
  • How can I be more of what I truly am?

Asking these simple questions focuses your attention to what matters to you. Nurturing a more intrinsic motivation. Fire up that inspiration of what you truly are. It is an inside job, meaning work on yourself first before engaging in anything external.

“The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the feeling of the wish fulfilled until it fills the mind and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness.”

– Neville Goddard

4. Move Goal Posts

Motivation dies easily when we get bored. What motivated you yesterday won’t motivate you today. Check up on your goals if are they aligned with what you are right now. Set short and long term adjustable goals. There are many paths, just go and move, you might fail but you will in the right direction with new lessons in your bag of experiences.

Be in constant open communication to your Higher self. What was meant for you yesterday might not be for today. Take note of the changes and take into consideration the commonalities as well. You will never run out of motivation if you are constantly defining and rediscovering yourself.

“What got you here won’t get you there”

– Marshall Goldsmith

5. Start Simple Small & Slow

Intrinsic motivation can be activated by starting small, simply and slowly. Running a marathon starts with putting your shoes on. That simple act of setting your shoes by the door or bedside primes you that you are committed to putting them on the next day. Start simply; publishing a book starts with finishing a page, a page is a whole lot simpler than getting a publisher, marketing and touring your book.

Doing things slowly increases your act’s potency. In each and every thing you do, if your whole mindset is motivated from within, and you do it if service to your higher purpose, it doesn’t matter how slow you write or practice. The important thing here is you are already becoming what you long to be. Walking slowly around the block you are being a runner, writing one page you are being a writer.

So start no matter how small, simple & slow. Daily practice will benefit you exponentially.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it”.

– Albert Einstein

6. Mind Your Inputs

Take stock of what you have been consuming mentally. Where do you spend most of your time? What information are you letting into your consciousness? You are the average of the 5 people spend the most of your time with so who and what type of people are they? What podcasts are you listening to? Are they opening you up to new levels of consciousness? Are they challenging your beliefs? Your input is your output so fill up your consumption with quality life affirming ideas that you can integrate into your life. Let quality meaningful inputs motivate you to achieve what you set out to do.

Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.

– Zig Ziglar

7. Listen to Positivity

Create a library of your favorite motivational talks. There is a lot out there and find the ones that truly speak to you. You can listen as you do household chores. You can listen to motivational, educational, inspiring talks. What you listen to you become. We are sponges ready to be absorbed with new waters of budding possibilities. If an insight hits you, jot it down and set a dedicated time to act upon your learnings.

 “Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.”

– Hafez

8. Imagine What Would It Be Like

Imagining what would it be like for you to have achieved your dream? Feel as if it already is. That is Faith. Get specific and be there in your minds eye. Best selling author? Sold out shows? What would it be like to be there? Close your eyes and sincerely imagine those thing happening right now. Imagining motivates you to be that you ought to be. There will be no rush to do, for you are in the knowingness that it already is. If you think and feel it, so it is. Motivation can come from knowing this truth.

“Imagination has full power of objective realization and every stage of man’s progress or regression is made by the exercise of imagination.”

– Neville Goddard

9. Decide Effortlessly

Knowing your why, priming yourself, getting clarity from imagining, you are now cutting off decision fatigue. You strategize your day on how you are going to accomplish certain things. You may limit them to 3 things that you agree to accomplish before the day ends and you have decided on these things the night before. The moment you wake up, each block of hour is intended for certain things and you won’t have time to negotiate in your head if you’re going to or not. You have decided the night before and today you are nothing but motivated to execute.

“More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind.”

– Cicero


Motivation comes from within and should be planned the night before. Know what motivates you, what are your values, where are you moving towards. You create the results of your life and an approach mindset is better than to avoid. Get to the root of things and find out why you are what you are. Every changes even your goals, keep stillness as you motivate and climb your way towards the life of your dreams. Learn, grow and take rest.

Let’s get better together ❤️‍🔥
