27 Ways To Manage Overthinking


Our minds are designed to see the negative, calculate, predict what is going to happen. It is hard wired due to programming and its journey towards self preservation. Not knowing how to manage our overthinking mind will lead to its own demise. Anxiety, confusion, fear and all other negative mental states can be avoided with simple insights to remember.

1. 3 Deep Mindful Breaths

Bringing your attention to your breath automatically shifts your nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic. It shifts from tense and stressed to rest and digest. In these 3 deep mindful breaths you affirm that all is well, you bring your attention where your true power lies, the now. So keep this tool in mind, all throughout the day make time to pause and take 3 deep mindful breaths, an opportunity to recenter, look again and cultivate a positive mindset.

2. Body Scan

Bring attention to parts of the body and intentionality blow relaxation upon them. We tend to store emotional tension on the hips and shoulders. Take a moment to untense starting from the feet going up to the crown of the head. Train the mind and utilize its power to focus. In here we are focusing attention in certain parts of the body and softening them, exhaling through them and returning them to ease and balance. The mind can be commanded to disperse its attention as far wide as the galaxy and to focus its attention to the tiniest of atoms. In this practice, by the power of awareness we focus the minds attention to each cell of your body, allowing it to renew and relax to its natural state.

3. Nature Immersion

Nature is our greatest teacher. We came out from it and manifesting through it. Overthinking is caused by the delusion of separateness from the one true source of all life. The life that is happening that is you, your story, your identity is only a minuscule part of what is really happening. Take a walk in nature and tap into the feeling of the vastness of the sky and the groundedness of the mountains, the lightness of the birds and the depth of the ocean. Listen to nature and become more a part of it. There is a higher order going on unfailingly and your tiny existence is a part of it, being a part of such grand intelligence cultivates faith and knowingness that I am and You are safe.

4. Brain Dump

Much as you do a morning digestive system dump, same goes for your brain. Our minds are sensitive receptors of data, you might have been carrying debilitating thoughts in your head since you were 7. In this brain dumping practice, you release clutter in your head, things that have been bugging you, things that inspire you and everything in between. Mindfully jot down these concepts in your head on paper or on your journal. Treat them as files that need to be transferred in an external drive. Once it is out of your head and on paper, you can asses on how you will go about it; Accept, change or delete completely.

5. Pattern Disruption

Maybe you got comfortable in being stressed and being a overthinking worrier. We tend to get attached to what we know and tend to repeat it over and over till it becomes a habit. Make sure your habits are nourishing and helps you get closer to the future-self of your ideal. If in a loop of bad habits, disrupt that pattern by doing some slight changes in your schedule, maybe take the scenic route, listen to new music, or try out a new yoga practice. There is always an opportunity to look at old things in a new way. If your days are feeling stale, give it a good stir and introduce some new spices and get psyched on new flavors that life can bring.

6. Identify Thought Patterns

Sit in a quiet undisturbed place away from your demanding responsibilities. Maybe a corner in a living room, an altar, a place of serenity and solitude. In this minute of silence notice the quietness, realize that the noise that is keeping you running tired hither and tithed is a voice inside your head. It is normal, we all have voices in our heads trying to persuade us what is best for us. But in this practice, you bring attention to the awareness of the voice, listen to the voice and become really inquisitive of its chattering. With your greater awareness you can easily Identify the egos pattern. It is usually running away from something, protecting its correctness and is just afraid to love. Notice the pattern of your thoughts and know the roots of its behavior. Knowing this you can move on with actions that lead to more compassion and more harmonized with the greater good.

7. See The Bigger Picture

Affirm to yourself that out of this situation only good can come. Anything that is causing us to overthink is our lack of willingness to accept or take responsibility of what is bestowed upon us. Anything that happens to us is for us, everything that happens to you is for you. It is the way we see things that we need to work on, not the thing itself because “the bigger picture is just is” and “you are just another one of those”.

8. Acknowledge Past Victories

Like practicing gratitude it is really helpful to relive your past successes that brought you here. Take time to meditate on the hardest lowest point in your life and remember the version of yourself who took the situation by the horn and took charge to solve the problem no matter how painful it was. Pain is what builds our character, through pain we were born, through suffering we learn and after all of that to Love we shall return. You maybe in a position in your life where you are complacent, maybe it is time to run towards something bigger carrying all the skills and strength we built up in the past. From a psychological point of view time is not linear, it is holistic, meaning you are now all of what you learned and about to become. You are the whole package with endless features. You contain multitudes. Acknowledge your past successes will bring you more of it.

9. Enter Flow State

Flow state happens when you are fully engaged in a specific activity for a specific period of time. In this state, mind stops to overthink and will have become fully immersed in the thing you are doing. Flow state increases productivity by 400% and you get to be truly alive. Flow state happens on the edge of your capability, challenging enough that you are not stressed, and easy enough that you are not bored. So find an activity where in you can tap into flow, drawing, running, playing an instrument, finishing a task. Small mundane tasks are also a gateway to flow state, dishes, laundry, de cluttering and tidying up. It is up to you! What are you gonna flow with today?

10. Positive Reframing

We discussed previously that it is not the thing that bothers us but it is how we perceive and feel about that causes the problem. Positive reframing helps us gain un understanding that there are always two sides of the coin. The law of polarity says so, notice when the negative mindset is getting the best of you. Notice and observe we’re you focus your attention, for where your attention is focused on the more of that the mind creates. You can also go the midway path of the Dao which is all is neither a fortune nor a misfortune, it just is. From that state of equilibrium channel your energies to what positive key aspects of the certain situation has. You have the capability to reframe or counteract a thought with a more positive, nourishing, life affirming set of lenses. Notice, settle in the midst of it and refocus on the good side.

11. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

In your silent self reflection, listen to your inner guide. In this space of inner awareness, set Audacious goals. Put them on paper and set daily Smart goals. It needs to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound. Being clear on your purpose, knowing your “why”, being persistent in daily actions to its attainment will leave you no time to overthink because you are in constant motion flowing towards the becoming of the Self you imagined. Overthinking is a privilege and luxury that we are tempted to be in. Get down on what you are about and get going, do not be afraid because for sure you will fail and will be wrong but you will be stumbling towards the right direction. Look up Carl Jung’s Circumambulation of the soul, we will never arrive or finish as long as we are breathing we are always in an end and a beginning of something malleable circling around the northern star. What you create daily is up to you, towards your northern star or away from it. With SMART goals may you flow your way with balance and ease. Nurturing and discovering, making and breaking, developing a thick skin along the way.

12. Have An Attitude Of Gratitude

Our minds tend to have a negativity bias, this is due to our nature to self preserve. Notice this pattern of the mind to see the negative and focus on the positive through gratitude. In silent meditation name 3 things you are grateful for, it can be as simple as another day, to as specific and complex as your hero’s journey. Switch your “I got to’s” to “I get to” perceive things that you have to do as opportunities to cultivating a better world. This is where you put on your big picture glasses, I get to take care of things around me, I get to nurture my curiosities educate myself and equip myself with skills that will make my uniqueness shine and contribute. Practice gratitude for knowing the laws of mind, be thankful that you are capable of unselfish performance of duties, unwavering rectitude and unlimited forgiveness. Each and every hour of the day, a lot 1 minute to thank divine intelligence that we are still here.

13. Go Back To “Why”

Overthinking tends to make us feel that we are in charge and tricks us in thinking that we are helping the situation. Take a step back, zoom out and go back to “Why” you are ruminating on this specific thing. Maybe you are protecting something, maybe you are scared to lose something, maybe you want to be the best at something. Go to the root of why and gain a greater perspective and maybe a solution will pop up. Maybe in shifting your attention to the core values of your purpose will help a new way of arriving at the situation come to be. Most things can be bypassed and are of little or of no importance. Go back to your why and the how will come to you.

14. Identify and Deploy

Identify problem and deploy solution. Get specific on what you are ruminating on. Is it a pending loss of something? Is it overthinking on ways on how circumstances will be? You can think all you want but the mind won’t be satisfied until bless you master it. One way of handling overthinking is to identify what specific thing you are worried about, lay out possible scenarios, after this you can even get simpler. Narrow it down to either it will or it won’t. Is it yes or no? Make up your mind in 90 seconds. Be decisive and keep a positive mental attitude no matter how uncomfortable it may seem. We lose good things to make space for better ones. If you are unwilling to change, nature will do it for you, so it is better to get flexible, adaptable and capable. Let us approach life rather than avoid it. So once you know what you need to do, just do it with a smile and a little positivity.

15. Access Peace From Mind

We are often presented with the concept of peace of mind but it is impossible for the mind to get peaceful, it’s very nature is to dissect and know and to be uneasy and unsettled in the present. The real trick is to become aware of the mind. Become aware of its automated generation of thoughts and know that these thoughts don’t have any power unless our awareness choose to be emotional about a certain thing. Know that you only bring power to thoughts through your attention so be a selective sifter, only choose to put attention to thoughts that are of help to you and others.

16. Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy is one of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques that is very effective. Expose your self to that thing that triggers you and the innate intelligence will adapt and won’t be bothered no more. Chose to face what makes you overthink, the intensity of the anxiety will heighten immensely but will die down immediately. Expose your self to cold and you won’t be cold, expose your self to public speaking and you won’t be afraid no more. It is best to choose to expose yourself to things that you need work on, than being pushed by nature and circumstances external to you. Intrinsic motivation to face what is needed to be dealt with develops your character rather than waiting too long and being forced by need to face a certain situation. An example would be I am intrinsically motivated to lift weights to feel strong rather than a need to lift weights because the doctor prescribed me to do so. I think we both prefer the prior one.

17. Self Coaching

If you are the personality type that doesn’t want to be told what to do, this one is for you. There’s no other person in the world that knows who you really are and what you want other than you. Be accountable and responsible for where you are going in life, destinies and meaning is not handed down to you, it must come from you. Gather the tools you need and structure a day to day with yourself being accountable. Start small, you can start by walking daily, meditating, cleaning, getting clear on your goals. Hold your self accountable and track your progress.

18. Practice Imagining

Visualize your ideal self, paint a clear mental picture of how you want the problem solved. Visualize your creativity shine. Your mind is practicing its great powers by overthinking, overthinking is already imagining scenarios right? So might as well imagine all the good things that you want and desire! What you put attention to grows!

19. Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Overthinking is going through all the variables regarding a certain scenario. Here is the reality, there is no end to the combinations of possibilities that might happen. You are over analyzing something because you are scared or you are hiding behind the intellect but the real truth is you just might be plain scared. There is an anti dote to this. Feel the fear and do it anyway, in doing so you’ll find that overcoming what you are afraid of is what will get you to the next level of your journey.

20. Set Deadlines

Compressing the timeframe will help you make a snap decision. A lotting 90 seconds to deal with a certain matter gets it solved in 90 seconds although not completely but it will take the issue up onto the next phase. So intend those segments in your day. Commit 1 hour to tidying up, 30 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes on deciding what to cook. Learning to set deadlines will create a version of you who takes action. The type who finishes tasks, getting things done, always start small maybe just decluttering your reactions to your thoughts.

21. Start Early

Setting a morning routine sets your day up for success. Knowing what you will do the day before leaves you no time for overthinking. You will be too busy becoming towards the life of your dreams. Here is a quick structure of a morning for you. Practice silence, then next minute gratitude, then next minute visualize the day, 39 minutes cardio l, 10 minute journal, carry an affirmation Al through out the day such as, “Today I shall manifest creativity within me and I am open to opportunities where my talents will be utilized”. “Today I’m open to surprises” this will get impressed to the subconscious mind and will reflect upon your daily affairs. So affirm your power first thing by practicing these self empowering tools.

22. Be Here Now

Yes it is an Oasis Album and a Ramdass book but let us not underestimate this powerful phrase. The whole essence of Zen, Mindfulness and Yoga is this. To be here now is to be where life is, all suffering and pain is either remembered or anticipated meaning they are not really here. Sit for a moment and be here, letting go of what is passed, letting go of what is to come and just be this. Sitting breathing, thoughts rising, dissolving. Not needing to make anything happen. Not needing to chance things in a certain way. Just this. Resting, relaxing and letting be. This will surely rid of overthinking for you will realize it’s futility compared to just this.

23. Take It Slow

Think of your mind as a machine automatically presenting thoughts. Your brain runs on different brain waves, delta when asleep, theta / alpha semi awake this is where intuition, subconscious and conscious overlap. At beta your waking state, the brain is vibing at a high speed that if you act on its every whim you will definitely burn out. There is no need to match the pace of your thoughts. Your awareness can be slowed down by slowing the breath and becoming awareness and knowing that you are not your thoughts. Do things gently at a slow pace. Increase the space between stimulus and response is my favorite. Watch the spaces. Observe the emptiness and feel its fullness. Wait and let spirit move you rather than the ego.

24. Become The Observer

Will I, won’t I, This or that, here or there. There is no end to the choices and variables the mind can ruminate on. Pondering the problem is one of the mind’s favorites. Accept that the mind overthinks and with practice you will be used to being the observer of the mind. Your awareness is separate from the thinking mind, think of it as a multimedia player playing an endless montage of best of’s and what could haves and what ifs. You are just an observer of that motion picture. Initially you will have a hard time watching thoughts because of your habit of associating with each thought that arises. But through practice of disassociation, engaging not entangling, knowing the truth of the nature of the mind. You have entered the world of the observer and will have a good relationship and will be able to utilize the brilliant powers of the mind. As you observe, you get to pick what thought forms you will bring attention to. Let the mind overthink, let the heart beat, you are awareness and the observer, the one who selects and creates life through disciplined wise choices.

25. Read The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.

This prayer was written by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous. This prayer sets things in perspective. It categorizes things you can change which you can act upon, and things you can’t change where in you practice acceptance and letting go.

26. Take A Cold Shower

I read from my favorite author Stuart Wilde that goes along the lines of “Throw yourself in the river at 4:00am each day, that should fix the ego pronto”. If you engage your ego in something it doesn’t want you immediately disempower it. Plus enjoy the many benefits of cold exposure. A very good tool to disrupt the pattern of over thinking.

27. Do Not Mind What Happens Next

This one is inspired by Krishnamurti. Either it will or it won’t. Your peace is not deep upon conditions. May your peace be as deep as the ocean and as sturdy as the mountains. You are eternal, immortal universal and infinite. So the next time you find the squirrel eating produce in your garden let him and thank him for blessing you with his presence, his squirrel time is precious too you know. Not minding what happens next keeps you open for miracles and opportunities. Let go of rigid expectations and start to open a new world right now.

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