Live as if this moment was your last



Hello, and welcome to this moment. Right now, you are here, present, and alive. Take a deep breath and feel the air fill your lungs. Notice the sensation of your chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. This is mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment or distraction.

As John Kabat-Zinn once said, “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” It is about being aware of our thoughts, feelings, and sensations, without getting caught up in them. It is about cultivating a sense of curiosity and openness to our experiences, rather than reacting to them with fear or anxiety.

Sharon Salzberg, another renowned mindfulness teacher, emphasizes the importance of self-compassion in our practice. She says, “Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” And when we forget, when our minds wander or we get caught up in our thoughts, we can simply bring ourselves back to the present moment, with kindness and compassion.

So, take another deep breath, and notice the sensations in your body. Notice any thoughts or emotions that arise, without judgment or criticism. Simply observe them, and let them pass, like clouds in the sky. This is the practice of mindfulness, a simple yet powerful tool for cultivating inner peace, clarity, and well-being.

Remember, mindfulness is not about achieving a certain state of mind or being perfect. It is about being present, right here, right now, with all of our imperfections and vulnerabilities. It is about embracing the fullness of our human experience, with all its joys and sorrows, and finding peace and contentment in the midst of it all.

So, as you go about your day, remember to take moments to pause, breathe, and be present. Remember to be kind to yourself, and to others, and to approach each moment with curiosity and openness. This is the practice of mindfulness, and it can transform your life in ways you never thought possible.